Newsletter September 2015

Sep 1, 2015 | News

Hope you all had a good summer and hopefully found some sun.

The next production for autumn has now been cast and rehearsals start next week. The play will be “The Game’s Afoot” by Ken Ludwig, a comedy mystery which won the Edgar Allen Poe Award as the best mystery play in 2012.  Tom Brown is making his directing debut and cast includes, Allan Jones, Iris Hillery, Lawrence Chandler, Maria Lowcock, Jo Longstaff, Michelle Hope, Ronnie Lowery and newest member, Aiden West.  It will run between 18th and 28th  November and once again the first Saturday will be a matinee performance.   As usual, your help is needed, just let us know if you’re willing to assist backstage, front of house, set building, etc.

Looking ahead we need to put in place the directors for the next two 2016 plays so if you would be willing to direct either the Spring or Autumn productions, please contact Ronnie or myself.  This is open to any member so please have a think about it and let us know.

We now have  a new social secretary, Michelle Hope, and she is in need of your talent for the club’s social event a Talent Night on 16th October so please don`t hide it come and strut your stuff.  Let Michelle know if you would like to perform, or just come along for the night and enjoy the talent, your support is needed either way.

Plans for next year, we are hoping to refurbish the theatre with new seating when the Darlington Civic Theatre carry out their major improvements and, hopefully, once again we can purchase their old seating.  For this reason we will be selling programmes again to help boost the coffers!  We would also like to obtain sponsors for the programmes so if any members have contacts please let us know.

I hope this will put you in the picture as to our Club’s plans and, don’t forget we do need to hear from you all with your ideas, suggestions, offers of help etc.

Best wishes

John Lowery