Gainford Drama Club


Feb 26, 2013 | News


Hello everyone

I hope you have had a good weekend in spite of the cold weather.  I just wanted to give you some dates for your diary and remind you that tickets for Murder in Play by Simon Brett are going quickly now but there are still plenty left for the first night, the 18th April, when patrons can meet the cast and enjoy a glass of fizz following the performance.  There are also some tickets available for the last night, Saturday 27th April, so if you would like to attend the party which will again be held at John and Ronnie’s in Winston then send in your form or contact Viv or Mike.  Jan is providing the food for the party so you do not need to bring anything – just make a donation on the night.

We should like to thank Richard Stephenson for printing all the ticket application forms, over 500.  We are in the process of slimming down the mailing list and this time just over 100 forms were sent by email asking subscribers to link to the website and download the form – our thanks to Allan Jones for setting this up, effectively saving us at least £50 in this one mailing.  After the autumn production it is our intention to delete names from the list of those subscribers who have not ordered tickets for three consecutive productions unless they contact us to request otherwise.  They will be advised about this in the next mailing.

I have been busy editing Oscar Wilde’s An Ideal Husband for the drama club as I should very much like to produce this play.  It is about political corruption so it is always topical!  It is now ready for a reading so I propose that we do this at John and Ronnie’s in Winston on Monday 20th May, starting prompt at 7.30 p.m.  Please come along if you can, drinks and sandwiches will be provided.

The other date you should note in your diary is the 2013 AGM which will be held on Thursday 20th June at 7.30 p.m. in the Academy Theatre.  Notices will be sent out by email to you and we shall be seeking two new committee members as Diana Peat and John Robinson will be retiring by rotation – nomination forms will be issued with the notice.

Don’t forget that our year end finishes on 31st May and subscriptions for the year 2013/14 are due in June – our treasurer will be collecting your subscriptions at the AGM but, if you have not already done so, the easiest way to ensure continued membership is to complete a standing order mandate – subscriptions remain at £5 per annum.

Many thanks

Joan Hillery-Robinson

Gainford Drama Club Chairman