We’ve Gone Digital
I hope 2019 is turning out to be a good year for you. I just wanted to keep you all updated on what is happening with the club. We have now successfully set up an on-line ticket system for booking your tickets and the ability to download them as an e-ticket or you can have them posted out to you. Having just gone on-line to book 17 tickets myself it’s a really simple easy to use system. Ticket sales are going well but we need to sell more as we have had declining ticket sales for the past few years. Please go on line and book tickets we have had great feedback about the new system. Just press the link below and you can do on-line or speak to them on the phone. (Note there is a small booking fee but we have reduced the price of the ticket this time by 50p to account for this).
Dates for the play are: Wednesday 3rd of April to Saturday 6th of April (Saturday is a matinee). We are donating the money from the first Friday night to Gainford Village Hall to support the joint bidding for funding for updating work. The second week we are doing Wednesday 10th April to Saturday 13th April.
70th Anniversary Celebration
A note to ‘hold the date’ for your diaries. We are planning an afternoon tea event at Headlam Hall on Sunday 16th June at 3.00pm to celebrate our 70th Anniversary as a Drama Club. This is a fantastic achievement and I hope you will all come along and bring your partners to help us celebrate. Tickets will be £20 each and will include a glass of fizz and a lovely afternoon tea of sandwiches, scones with jam and cream and cakes – if you can fit it all in! We will be sending out booking forms next month so that you can book an pay for tickets but wanted to give you advanced notice so you kept the date free.
Improvements to the club
Improvement work is continuing on our building. We have had all the damp work done now in the Kitchen and dressing room. We are also buying a new fridge freezer as the old one has now packed up! Unfortunately with the amount of time we need for it to dry out we are not going to be able to get it all painted and finished before the play. As soon as the play is finished we are going to update the kitchen and dressing room and re-paint the green room so it will all be completely refurbished as part of our 70th Anniversary updating.
Please come along and get involved and please let us know if there are any people who would like to join the club as members.
I look forward to seeing you all at the play.
Best wishes
Gainford Drama Club Chairman